Salvia microphylla “Christine’s Surprise”.
These perennial salvias are part of a large family native to Mexico and
is therefore well equipped to survive the often dry conditions in
They offer a lengthy flowering period first beginning during
spring. They can be easily grown in containers for mobile colour if
Triming spent flower stems not only encourages further flower
production but also helps maintain a compact form with dense evergreen
foliage which is characteristically aromatic.
Cultural Care Prefers a warm, sunny and well
drained position in the garden and will tolerate dry conditions quite
well. However, like most plants it will provide you with an even better
display given a little love and attention. This means giving it a deep
watering during extended dry periods and after flowering prune off up to
one third of the plants original size and feed with a slow release
fertiliser. A few additional light prunings through the warmer months
will also encourage and promote futher flowering. Will tolerate light
Plant Uses An attractive plant for the
middle of a sunny perennial border or planted in shrubberies where they
will provide lasting colour over a long period during spring, summer and
Also plant among herb borders where the aromatic foliage contributes a delicate fragrance if brushed against.
H x W 80cm
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