Hydrangea macrophylla Lacecap White . A plant for all gardens. Very floriferous,
covered in large flower heads which sometimes completely enshroud the
bush. Part sun (Morning preferred) / shade, Wind and coastal tolerant. 1.0 -1.5m H x
Depending on soil pH fertile centre flowers may stay green or turn pink or blue.
The outer sterile flowers will be brilliant white.
All prices include secure custom mail-order packaging,
Parcel tracking and GST.
Planting tip – When planting a Hydrangea to also inter plant the perfect companion “Hellebores” (Winter rose) or perhaps even bulbs in and around to give you superb colour and foliage during the winter dormancy (June – July) of the hydrangea. When Hellebores are finishing the Hydrangea will just starting again and vice versa 🙂
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